Decline Travel Insurance Waiver

Please click the link to complete the electronic online waiver form or you may print the form below, sign and email it to:

Travel Insurance Waiver

For your protection, Travel insurance is strongly recommended and recommendations available upon request.

Thank you for booking with Cruise Jet Travel LLC. We believe that your upcoming trip is a significant investment which should be protected.  For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you purchase travel insurance.  Please understand that travel insurance may also be able to protect you from possible loss of money due to supplier bankruptcy/default, unexpected trip cancellation/interruption due to accident, sickness or death, baggage loss, medical expenses, emergency air transportation costs and covered situations that are beyond your control.

You can enroll online for travel protection for Medical Expenses, Baggage Delays/Loss, Trip Delay or Cancellation, and other coverage with an Insurance company of your choice.


By declining to purchase Travel Insurance/Protection, I  am assuming any financial loss associated with my travel arrangements regardless of the reason for
cancellation or interruption.  I understand that I am solely responsible for any cancellation penalties and out-of-pocket expenses incurred. I will also make my own separate travel,
medical and any other provisions in the event of an emergency while I am traveling. I also understand that I am not protected from loss in the event of any travel vendor, travel supplier or any travel-related operator default. This waiver confirms that I voluntarily decline travel insurance and travel protection insurance for the trip described below. I understand I am solely liable for all airline fees, supplier fees, and agency fees that may apply, and I hereby release Cruise Jet Travel LLC and its agents/affiliates from any and all
liability related to the trip described above.

I do NOT wish to purchase a travel insurance plan or I have/will purchase insurance on my own.  I understand travel insurance has been offered to me for purchase to cover certain risks inherent in travel such as supplier bankruptcy, trip interruption and/or the inability to travel due to an accident, medical emergency or death.

To decline recommended travel insurance, your signature on this insurance waiver form is required.  Information on the tour or final travel documents(tickets, vouchers, etc.) cannot be sent to you prior to receipt of the signed insurance waiver.





Cruise Jet Travel
Phone Number: 410.538.2224